Mohr's Circle

Preventing failure, a design needs to account for maximum stress resulting from normal and shear stresses

The Mohr’s Circle:

  • Studies the combined state of all stresses
  • Helps identify max stresses
  • Is a visual representation

Using the equation of a circle:
where :




Where E in minimum stress, and D is maximum stress.
The top face of a Stress and Stress Transformation diagram is point B, and the right-most face is point A.


  • Shear stresses that rotate an element clockwise are above the sigma axis
  • Shear stresses that rotate an element counter-clockwise are below the sigma axis

Drawing a Mohr’s Circle

  1. Locate the center C =
  2. Find CD
  3. Locate the face of A
  4. Locate the face of B
  5. Connect A B and C and draw a circle
  6. Use geometry to compute the rest (principle stresses, max shear stress = R, principle angles, etc)

Mohrs Circle Angles

Angles in a Mohr’s circle are doubled (the angle between C, A, and the sigma axis):


Max shear and average normal stress are always 45 degrees rotated CCW from max normal stress ()

More on orientation

The sign of is determined by the sign of tau_xy (+ = cw)

If one is cw the other is ccw!

When determining angle we are either subtracing 45 degrees from , or form 45 degrees. If > 45 degrees:

In 3D

Now there are three principle directions and stresses

There are also 3 principle shears now