This can be found from charts for bending, axial loads and, torsion…
q=1+ra1 where this q can be plugged into the dynamic loading Stress Concentration equations
Also a is the Neuber constant
Where the Neuber constant can be calculated using…
Bending or Axial Loading
a={0.246−3.08(10−3)Sut+1.15(10−5)Sut2−2.67(10−8)Sut31.24−2.25(10−3)Sut+1.60(10−6)Sut2−4.11(10−10)Sut350≤Sut≤250 kpsi,a units (inch)1/2340≤Sut≤1700 MPa,a units (mm)1/2
Torsional Loading
a={0.190−2.51(10−3)Sut+1.35(10−5)Sut2−2.67(10−8)Sut30.958−1.83(10−3)Sut+1.43(10−6)Sut2−4.11(10−10)Sut350≤Sut≤250 kpsi,a units (inch)1/2340≤Sut≤1700 MPa,a units (mm)1/2