I started running consistently in ~April 2023, I mainly run 2ks. I started getting into running to get my cardio game up! I would like to run the Toronto marathon in 2025 :)

I’m Daniel Huynh on Strava

Beer Mile

I ran my first beer mile on May 30th, 2024 in 9:06 which was good for 1st place out of ~15 runners :)

10K PR!

I ran a sub 52:00 10k In August!

The Toronto Waterfront Marathon

So I signed up for the TWM which is on October 19, 2025. I have a really long time to train so I need to make/find a training plan to accommodate for this big ass training period and I need to find a way to get my Lifts in there as well

The Toronto Waterfront Marathon


Running with Alex Caravan, my manager from theScore and Ady Bhandari

My goal is to run a sub 4.5 hr marathon, it would be really cool if I could run a sub 4hr marathon…

Training Plan

I heard the NRC training plans are pretty good but I’m going to do some research.

I’m looking at doing a hybrid of this plan for the first 9 months, and then transitioning to the NRC marathon program. I could also do various NCR training programs, working my way up to the marathon program.

The Not-So-Serious Part

50 Weeks Out (November 3rd 2025)
Phase I pre-training (4 weeks)

  • The goal here is to get used to running distance again
Rest2 km (s)
5 km (s-m)
Rest8 km (s)
PushPullLegsShouldersChest + BackRestRest

46 Weeks Out (December 1st 2025)
Phase II pre-training (13 weeks)

  • Now we want to kick up our volume for more serious prep
  • Try to stretch your long runs to 14.5 km towards the end of this phase
  • You’ll have school during this phase so try to fit a chest + back day in this schedule but it might not work out
Rest8 km (s)6.j5 km (m-f)Rest6.5-8 km (s) or RestRest11 km (s)
PushPullShouldersChest + Back (High weight tempo)LegsRestRest

The Serious Part

Here, try to lift around the training plans, we need to be very strict to following them 18 weeks out. Aim for at minimum 3 days a week.
33 Weeks / 8 Months Out (March 2nd 2025)
Start NRC half-marathon training program (14 weeks)

  • This program requires 5 runs a week and 2 rest days
  • If I’m on my shit I can lift 4 days a week (on rest days + on recovery run days)

19 Weeks Out (June 8th 2025)

  • Recovery week

18 Weeks Out (June 15th 2025)
Start NRC marathon training program (18 weeks)

  • This program requires 5 runs a week and 2 rest days
  • If I’m on my shit I can lift 4 days a week (on rest days + on recovery run days)


This is just a general outline on what I would like to do for my training plan, other than the NRC marathon training program, I’m sure I’ll miss training days, lift instead, etc, Life catches up…

I will probs also need to modify my lifts to make time to grind, work, run, be mentally okay at the gym lol

Pack List

This is stuff I need to bring, I want to be prepared but not pack too heavy… There is also bag check at the race that I can use

  • Run belt
  • Identification / wallet
  • Air pods + case


Travel Plans

The race is by the waterfront during a school term… getting there and back might be a bit of a challenge, especially getting there for around 8:00 am on a Sunday.

  • Drive there myself? (EW)
  • I could potentially get a ride into the city?
  • GO transit in the morning then TTC / Uber to the race?
  • Go into Toronto the night before and stay overnight → TTC / Uber to the race?