Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity k has various meaning depending on the phase of a material
For solids:

For liquids:

  • Thermal conductivity is based on diffusion and collision

For gasses:

Where n is the number density, c is the mean thermal speed, and lambda is the mean free path

*If we take a look at the transport equations they simplify to the conduction (diffusion) term only!…


Applying conservation of mass, momentum, energy over a control volume of differential size can yield useful equations

*Assumptions we make

  • One direction only
  • No energy generated or consumed
  • Steady state

Some Applied examples

We make the assumption from the 1D Laplacian that

Which means


Where you can apply boundary conditions to solve for T.

This analysis yields local values, can use different coundaries conditions other than T = fixed like change in T = fixed

Thermal Circuit Boundary Conditions

There’s a |KCL equivalent in thermodynamics where…

Also, you can have parallel thermal resistances where can be combined in parallel like in circuits.


If is unknown, the problem needs to be solved by iteration, this needs to be done on the assignment

Note that:

  • Any plane wall normal to the x-axis is isothermal (varies in the x-direction only)
  • Any plane parallel to the x-axis is adiabatic (assume heat transfer only occurs in the x-direction)

Thermal Contact Resistance

  • In the ideal case, theres no temperature drop across different layers but in reality there is which is the thermal contact resistance
    This depends on various factors:
  • Roughness
  • Material properties
  • Fluids at the interface, and other extensive properties at the interface

Heat Flow

  • Heat energy flows through substances at a rate proportional to the temperature difference across the substance.
    • This is modelled by
  • Net heat-energy flowing in and out of a substance changes its temperature
    • This is modelled by