First order

Linear Functions vs. Linear Dynamics

  • A function maps a single value whereas a dynamic system maps a signal to a signal.
  • Linearity means you follow the super position principle. In a function, this applied to a mapping, if its for a dynamic system, it applies to a signal.
  • The super position principal has two components…
    • Additivity
    • Homogeneity (scalability)

Linearizing Functions

This uses an approximation (you can only do this for a single point of interest)

  • This is a first order approximation
  • Linearization approximations are given by for a point of interest a.

Linearizing Dynamic Systems

  • Find all nominal (equilibrium) points if not given
  • Find , such that
  • Set new variables as
  • Apply first order Taylor approximation as:
    • What this means is… For each function we are linearizing, the linear form is a function of the variables in the non-linear equation as a sum of their partial derivatives with the initial values of the variables substituted in. See Goodnotes for an example (Ex. 6 Linearization)
  • Redefine the variables as and
    • Where x and u are deviations from their original points
    • This just means sub out the with the original variables to form a linear equation
  • You need to linearize the whole or specific terms
    • Not sure what this actually means so probs not that important