Performance Requirements

You must complete a sequence of 4 primary tasks:

  1. Drive along the path to locate the Lego figure
  2. Detect the figure and move it away from the danger area
  3. Drop off the figure at one of any of the safe drop zones
  4. Return the rescue vehicle to the start point and stop

Guidance and Navigation Notes

  • The start point is marked with a perpendicular wide line of electrical tape
  • There will be a smooth, continuous path outlined with red electrical tape.
  • The path follows a concentric profile
  • The path leads from the start point to the Lego figure
  • There will be several safe drop zones along the path between the start point and Lego figure
  • Some drop zones will intersect with the path, some may be adjacent to the path.
  • The safe drop zones will be marked with green electrical tape
  • The entire Lego-Figure must lay within the outer boundaries of the green tape to be considered a successful rescue
  • The start point is also considered a safe drop point
  • The entire Lego-Figure must lay within the starting block to be considered a successful rescue
  • The Lego figure is located in the center of a bullseye target (danger area) and may be in any configuration the student’s desire
  • The bullseye consists of a red circle inside of a blue circle
  • The path does not go over any traps (rocks and sand boxes) or obstacles
  • There are green trees as vertical markers near the safe drop zones
  • The annotated blue “attempt line” indicates where an attempt will be counted if your entire device crosses that line.

The Lego Man

  • L = 9mm
  • W = 26mm
  • H = 40mm

Sub System Concepts

  • We want to use the Raspberry Pi as our main system (higher level logic, vision, and sensor interpretation)
  • We want to use the Arduino as our IO middleware (low-level motor/servo commands, reading sensors)

Perceptions Sub Systems

We need to do the following (how many ways can we solve each problem?)

Follow the red line

  • Colour / semantic segmentation from line vs everything else
    • Simple thresholding
      • HSV thresholding to isolate the tape
      • Compute the centroid of the red region for action (steering)
    • Neural network
      • Train a CNN (TensorFlow Lite) to label pixels as “red” or as “background” / other objects
  • Canny edge detection
    • Detect edges in camera feed and filter by orientation
    • Steer to keep line centred
  • Use an IR reflectance sensor to detect the line based on the reflective index
    • IR sensor underneath robot?
    • Use a PID loop to keep sensors aligned over tape
  • Use a dedicated colour sensor
    • Read colour directly from hardware that already exists Identify the bullseye
  • Colour segmentation
    • Simple thresholding
      • Look for the following colour combination in a circular formation blue→white→red
    • Neural network
      • The CNN would also identify “bullseye” pixels
  • We could use shape-based detection for looking for circles
    • Concert circle to greyscale and run a Hough circle transform
    • Filter by size ratio to get to the center Lego Man
  • Colour-based sensing
    • The Lego man is mostly yellow, do a colour threshold HSV to find the lego man and filter out noise
    • Build a colour histogram for the lego figure and compare each regions histogram to see if it matches the reference
  • Shape-based sensing
    • Use a silhouette of a lego mini figure as a template
    • Perform contour matching in OpenCV for things in view to the silhouette
  • Object detection
    • YOLO
      • Train a small YOLO model on images of lego figures in different orientations
      • Run inference on the Pi and put a bounding box on the lego figure
    • Pose estimation
      • Use a 2D pose model for detecting the lego man
  • Using proximity
    • We know the lego man is in the bullseye, once we get to the bullseye, just detect an object using an ultrasonic sensor or something Find a safe zone
  • Green zones are concentric or overlapping on the red line
  • Color-based detection
    • Using HSV thresholding for green, follow the red line until we find a safe zone (find the bounding rectangle)
  • Semantic Segmentation
    • Add another segmentation class that identifies the “safe zone” pixels
  • Shape-based detection
    • Find the four corners of the zone which would create a polygon representing the safe zone
  • IR / colour sensor
    • Detect green take using its reflective index or a dedicated colour sensor Return to the start area
  • Shape / colour -based detection
    • The starting area is a wider red strip, so we want to backtrack on the red line the same way we got to the bullseye / safe zone until we use edge detection to detect a wider width than normal
  • Using Encoders
    • We could use our encoders to backtrack if we keep everything well calibrated

Conceptual Designs

Now given different subsystems we can take different solution combinations to form a couple promising solutions

Design A

Easy solution that is reliable independent of camera conditions + good for well lit environments…

  • Red line following: IR sensors
  • Bullseye identification: Hough circles transform
  • Lego man identification: Contour matching / Templating
  • Return to start: Follow IR line back to start and detect wide segment of red tape

Design B

Uses more advance and rigorous methods for shape and feature detection, uses a single sensor

  • Red line following: Camera colour thresholding
  • Bullseye identification: Hough circle transform
  • Lego man identification: Proximity
  • Return to start: Follow red line back to start and detect wide segment of red tape

Design C

Single consistent approach which would be very robust if well trained, also minimizes separation logic

  • Red line following: Semantic segmentation
  • Bullseye identification: Semantic segmentation
  • Lego man identification: Semantic segmentation
  • Return to start: Semantic segmentation

Design D

For things with high contrast this works well, simple detection implementation

  • Red line following: Canny edge detection
  • Bullseye identification: Color Thresholding
  • Lego man identification: Proximity Detection (mechanical) + colour thresholding
  • Return to start: Canny edge detection for find the wide start tape


We could also take a combination approach instead of just choosing one solution to each sub-system…

  • Red line following: Canny edge detection for lane detection + colour confirmation
  • Bullseye identification: Hough circle transform + contour analysis where we can get position by checking the perceived size vs the real diameter of the circle
  • Safe zone detection: Canny edge detection for 4 sided polygons + colour detection for confirmation
  • Lego man identification: Colour thresholding (bright yellow thing), we can experiment with feature matching and templating with CV
  • Return to start: Basically follow the red line back and find the wide piece of tape that is the start line that is also red

Controls Sub Systems

  • PWM?
  • PID?

Maybe let Jackie cook the design since I’m less familiar with controls