The Idea
The idea here is that we take the Laplace transform w/ zero initial conditions and to build a direct relationship between the input and an output in a sort of way that looks like , where the term is our “gain”.
Why Use Transfer Functions??
- Differential equations are difficult to handle
- We can dramatically simplify the input-output relationship by using these transfer functions
- The physical meaning of the transfer function is that it is the LaPlace transform of the impulse response
The general form…
- The poles are the roots of and the zeroes are the roots of
- The equation is called the characteristic equation of
- The order of the denominator cannot be larger than the highest order of the denominator
- With block diagrams, the TF lets us do operations on dynamic systems in a transform domain
- Only defined for LTI
Frequency Response
- A response of a system to a sinusoidal input is also sinusoidal
- The gain and phase delay can be obtained by the frequency response given by
You use Transfer Functions in Block Diagrams