Bevel Gears

96% axial + rolling friction

Some Properties

  • Based on rolling cones
  • Intersecting axes
  • Can turn any corner angle
  • Low power
  • Straight bevels are “spur”
  • Spiral bevels are “helical”
  • Axial, radial, and tangential forces


  • Straight
  • Spiral
  • Hypoid (Kind of a hollow circular gear)

  • There are two cones, one for the pinion and one for the gear
  • Each one has a corresponding pitch cone angle
  • is the pitch cone angle of the pinion
  • is the pitch cone angle of the gear
  • (usually)

Using diameters

You can use and to find (module), and (diametral pitch)

Straight Bevel Gears

The Pinion

  • is the normal reaction force on the pinion (P), along the line of action at contact point
  • is the tangential force on the pinion (P), along the line of torque transfer
  • is the axial force on the pinion
  • is the pressure angle of the pinion and is the angle between the line of action and the torque transfer line
  • is the radial for on the pinion

The Gear

General Procedure

  • Load distribution has components in all directions which are applied at the pitch radii
  • Given for either the pinion or the gear, we can use and first to get radial and axial stuff
  • The pinion is perpendicular to the gear so the radial direction for the pinion is the axial direction for the gear as noted above.