
As I update my resume to include new roles, projects, and skills, I need to remove redundant references from my resume. I’m storing them here for future reference.

Vivid Seats

• Modified a Selenium grid interface to display repository-specific metadata, leading to a 100% increase in test identification across 71+ regression suites.

• Designed a Stoplight-documented test-data Backend for Frontend (BFF) with Spring and OpenAPI, exposing RESTful endpoints for JPA entity generation and management that insert regression-agnostic data for E2E checkout tests into 4+ Vault-authenticated MySQL databases.

• Developed an autonomous embedded subscriber for the test-data BFF, enabling synchronous and asynchronous data cleanup via endpoints and cron-jobs, which allows for concurrent data management.

• Integrated SonarQube for static code analysis, leading to the development of 210+ unit and integration tests using JUnit5, Mockito, and Spring that achieved 96% code coverage for the test-data BFF.

• Collaborated with 5+ teams to troubleshoot and resolve Jenkins build issues across 30+ repositories, contributing to CI/CD pipeline stability by reducing build failures.

• Served on the co-op interview panel, leveraging technical expertise to provide critical assessments, resulting in the selection of 3 out of 8 candidates.

PureFacts Financial

• Developed and tuned an Scikit-learn Bayesian optimized random forest regressor with a mean percentage error of 17.32% that forecasts client revenue movements, whilst providing interpretable explanations for model predictions using SHAP.

• Aggregated, cleaned, and wrangled over 100,000 rows of data using pandas, and performed missing data and outlier treatment, resulting in a 94.86% decrease in the mean percentage error of a random forest regressor.

• Designed a dashboard using Plotly Dash that features dynamic visualizations of investor revenue, AUM, transactions, and customer trends over time for PureFacts clients, encouraging data-driven decision making.

• Led development of a Flask + React tool tailored to the PureFacts tech stack utilizing OpenAI APIs that empower non-technical personnel with accessible information and optimizes engineer labor time whilst maintaining data confidentiality.

• Proactively collaborated with NGR and QA to integrate AI-owned products into their portfolios, while establishing a platform for cross-functional product groups to test and refine ideas that foster innovation and shared learning.

Ford Motor Company

• Created several dynamic components including a data-model agnostic autocomplete component using React Typescript, that queries 1000+ Firestore records for objects that fit a Regex string on one of 7+ record properties.

• Created asynchronous REST API methods using Axios that reads/writes to 1000+ records in a CRUD Firestore database.

• Created a reactive filter-drawer using Invision designs that filter through 1000+ records by 7+ criterion whilst dynamically updating the present filter state with a visual indication.

• Leveraged TDD by creating mocks with Jest & JestDom to develop test suites that authenticate React apps and REST APIs.

• Actively participated in Ford’s agile work environment and demonstrated leadership by contributing to daily stand-ups, weekly IPMs, platform presentations, and aiding co-op students on other product lines.

• Received the Ford Modernization Recognition Award ($100) for making significant contributions to the Ford Pro Gateway.


• Implemented a self-proprietary method of caching SQL results within PHP which improved the load time of web pages by up to 643.5% (from 1.48s to 0.23s).

• Created MSSQL queries that scraped data from a variety of 73 tables to gather quality data pertaining to the prediction and planning of product shipments.

• Developed several dynamic web applications from the ground up using JavaScript, PHP, HTML and CSS that displays the shipment and inventory details about several manufactured products.

• Created a large-scale internal system for the R&D department using Python, Flask, JavaScript and MSSQL that allows employees to create, log time spent, and query lab requests / contributions.

• Created a function using Openpyxl and Pandas which automates the generation of excel reports that display internal and external lab report details for ISO auditors, and SR&ED applications, saving the R&D more than 30 hours of manual labour per year.