
This course is designed to familiarize the student with issues related to the impact of computer-based technologies on individual jobs, organizations, and broader societal level. Particular emphasis will be placed on critical examination of various issues including privacy, security, ethical concern, and professional responsibilities.

An elective I need to take for my options, I better not have to write too much :/

Success Structure

The goal here is to minimize time spent on this course while maximizing my final mark. The lectures for this course are on Wednesdays from 6:30pm-9:20pm (ew) I want a way to succeed in this course without having to attend these lectures. I will likely attend the first 1-2 weeks to understand the course structure and to see what I need to do on a weekly basis to achieve success.

  • Read blog of the week
    • Some of the posts per topic are relevant and some are not
    • Prof. Carr will tell us which posts are relevant for this course
    • For each topic is there is a “Questions About…” post which is very significant for that topic
      • This highlights questions that Prof. Carr thinks are important for a given topic
  • Watch week playlist (not sure how important these actually are, looks like the blogs are the main body of the content)
  • Watch the “tech this week” playlist (optional)
  • Take notes accordingly so you have a knowledge base when it comes to creating debate videos / writing essays

When making videos, keep in mind:

  • Are the main arguments in the video?
  • Does the evidence support the arguments made (huge emphasis on good evidence)?
  • Ask good questions to the opposing argument
  • Give good answers to asked questions

Midterm Revision

The midterm will be of the same format as the final now, just review a video and summarize the arguments made in it. Hopefully no writing now.
