Given an integer arrayÂ
, return an arrayÂanswer
 such thatÂanswer[i]
 is equal to the product of all the elements ofÂnums
.The product of any prefix or suffix ofÂ
 is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer.You must write an algorithm that runs inÂ
 time and without using the division operation.
This is anarrays question.
- Needs to run in one pass (O(n) time)
- Brute force:
- Nested for loop, for each element in the array, pop the current element form the array and multiply the rest of the elements, add the product to a results list
- We want to essentially do a forward pass, and a backward pass through the array since the product of array except self is essentially just the product of the elements before and after “self”
- On the forward pass:
- We keep a “prefix” variable to store the product up to the nth element
- We append “prefix” to our result
- We update prefix by multiplying it by the nth element
- On the backward pass:
- We keep a “postfix” variable to store the product up to the nth element where n is counted from the end of the array
- We multiply res[i] by postfix
- we update postfix by multiplying it by the nth element
- After the backwards pass, each index will be the product of the products of the elements that came before it, and after it being the product off array except self