Failure Modes of Gears (Spurs)
- Gears can fail in two ways:
- Failure by bending
- Pitting failure (surface / contact wear)
For both cases we need to satisfy
Lewis Bending Equation
Here, we approximate a tooth as a cantilever beam…
From these definitions from Stress Concentration
- Where due to
- In this case our b is sometimes F which is the thickness of a tooth and our h is sometimes t which is the gear tooth width
We can derive the Lewis bending question
- Where and is non-dimensional (has no units)
- Most of these parameter other than come from tables
- This Lewis equation assumes that your bending moment is static
We want to use this equation with a dynamic factor for dynamic loading conditions at the gear:
- where and (tangential velocity)
- Note that here is the “cyclic factor“
Our bending strength can be derived from Failure Theories, specifically using:
- for moderate operating conditions
- for infinite life bending
Pitting Failure
- The Hertz contact stress equation affects surface durability
- where
- Here, which are the radii lines of action for the gear and pinion
- And is the elastic coefficient
- 1 and 2 here are poisson ratios given in a table
- is the elastic modulus of the gear and pinion
- Here, is compared to which is parameterized by or the Brinell Hardness which comes from a table given something like an ASTM number
- Note that the contact stresses here are always in compression, therefore are (-)