Some notation before we get started

which can be represented in the following form:

is the linear velocity of point P, and is always perpendicular to and tangent to the circular path of travel.

There are different types of velocity:

  • Absolute Velocity: Velocity with respect to some point on a global coordinate system
  • Velocity Difference: Velocity with respect to a point on the same body that isn’t fixed

Vector Loop Analysis for Four Bar Linkages

![[Pasted image 20240718130025.png|650]]


  • Note that is always perpendicular to
  • The same thing applied with and Steps
  1. Check the reference frame should have no angle w.r.t the X-axis, otherwise change the coordinate system
  2. Check to see if you have all the angles you need, you may need to do position analysis to solve and
  3. Calculator angular velocities and

  4. Solve for the linear velocities, note that if you need to solve for open and crossed positions, you need to repeat steps 3 and 4 twice, once with and for the open position, and once for the closed position. Here is of point A on link 2 and is of point B on link 4

Vector Loop Analysis For Crank-Sliders

Here, the crank is the input and the slider is the output

  1. Check the reference frame, should have no angle similar to step 1 for four bar linkages
  2. Check for missing angles (same as step 2 for four bar linkages)
  3. Calculate angular velocity and linear velocity of the slider block
  1. Solve for the linear velocities. Similar to step 4 in the four bar linkage process, you may need to solve steps 3 and 4 twice for both the open and crossed configurations

Tips from solving questions

For four bar linkages:

  • Just like position analysis but now you also apply the V and equations
  • should be given as a part of the problem, if not, try to get it using trig (you should not have to do this)??? For slider cranks:
  • Given offsets are actually negative ()
  • Calculate and
  • Calculate
  • Calculate and angle
  • Calculate Generally pretty straight forward